Cheddar’s Texas Tea Recipe

I love Long Island Iced Teas. I’ve learned, though, that you want to take your time and enjoy them – otherwise, your body will remind you just how much liquor you have consumed… So anyway, our local Cheddar’s restaurant has a Texas Tea on their menu that is just awesome (and cheap)! And me being the Junior Alcoholic that I am, I had to go figure out how to make it.

You’ll need a 16 oz or larger glass for this – I use pint mason jars. First thing you’ll do is fill the glass halfway with lemonade. If you use powdered lemonade, that will be 1 rounded tablespoon of powder (check your directions to make sure) in 8 oz of water. Then add 1 oz of amaretto, 1 oz of vodka (taste doesn’t matter here – but you want something that won’t leave you hungover in the morning), and 2.5 oz of Firefly Sweet Tea vodka. Stir gently and add ice to chill. Make sure that you drink plenty of water before you go to bed – this one can hurt if you consume too much or too quickly!

Cheddar’s Texas Tea Recipe

  • 8 oz lemonade
  • 2.5 oz Firefly Sweet Tea vodka
  • 1 oz vodka
  • 1 oz amaretto
  • Ice
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7 Responses to Cheddar’s Texas Tea Recipe

  1. Marion Brown says:

    This is the BEST drink I have ever had !!!!!!

  2. Jose l diaz says:

    Very good place yo eat

  3. Steve Graves says:

    I tried it for the first time last night!! Next time I go I will have two of these and forego dinner 😉

  4. Malika Brown says:

    the best damn Texas sweet tea ever!

  5. Allison james says:

    Oh yeah! Best drink ever

  6. Casey says:

    This is a good recipe for it. I had one at Cheddars while I was traveling, and tried this recipe the next day when I got home. It ce.out just right!

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